Potty badges activity from PBS.
Abby and Elmo’s Potty Plan
nbhenetadmin2021-07-24T02:20:39+00:00Learn about toileting with Abby & Elmo's Potty Plan from PBS.
Daniel Tiger Toileting App
nbhenetadmin2021-07-24T00:24:17+00:00With Daniel Tiger’s Stop & Go Potty app, children will practice stopping their play when they have to go potty and learn about their important [...]
The Poop Machine
nbhenetadmin2021-07-15T21:59:42+00:00This article, from NAEYC, explores the story of the "Poop Machine" and how adults respond to children's play and use of "potty words."
Toileting Guidelines
nbhenetadmin2021-07-15T21:56:59+00:00Toileting Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics.