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“We Help You Help Others”
The Opioid Response Network has local consultants in all 50 states and nine territories to respond to local needs by providing free educational resources and training to states, communities and individuals in the prevention, treatment and recovery of opioid use disorders and stimulant use.
Useful Resources on Opioid Overdose Prevention
Opioid Toolkit, Treatment Directory
Pregnancy and Opioid Pain Medications
Opioid pain medications and the risks they pose to pregnant women
Opioids for Chronic Pain
Risk of long term opioid use for chronic pain, other chronic pain treatment options
Opioids & IV Drug Use: Risks, Warning Signs & How to Help a Loved One
How and why IV drug use may become a factor – understanding risk as a loved on
Advil + Tylenol Better Than Opioids for Oral Pain
Over-the-counter ibuprofen and acetaminophen provide better relief for dental pain than prescription opioids
Help and Resources National Opioid Crisis
Resources for individuals, First Responders, Providers. Link to resource page – can break out?
Refusing Prescription Opioids in Recovery
Personal story – recovery and refusing opioid prescriptions
Does My Child Need Opioids to Cope with Severe and Acute Pain?
Precautions one can take to mitigate risk posed by conventional opioid pain medications if other alternatives do not work, while still being considerate of the severity of the pain.
Recovery Is for Everyone: Understanding Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
Understanding recovery for loved ones |
Heroin, Fentanyl, and Other Opioids
A Comprehensive Resource for Families with a Teen or Young Adult Struggling with Opioid Use – Full guide
Fentanyl poisoning & counterfeit pills
Fentanyl both in counterfeit pills and in illicit street drugs pose a threat to the safety of teens and adults
What parents (and grandparents) need to know about prescription opioid painkillers
One page informing parental figures about opioid prescriptions and how they can result in an SUD
Prescription Opioids: Even When Prescribed by a Doctor
Youtube video about perception of harm as it relates to prescription opioids
DEA Warns of Brightly-Colored Fentanyl Used to Target Young Americans
DEA Press release about colored pills containing fentanyl
Family Support For Opioid Addiction
Familial Support resources for those with loved ones who suffer from SUD
Anthem Corporate Grants
The Anthem Foundation funds specific public health-related initiatives that address disparities and social determinants that can positively affect conditions identified through our signature Healthy Generations program.
AmerisourceBergen Foundation
At AmerisourceBergen, we are united in our responsibility to create healthier futures.
NIH Opioid Research Network
“NIH establishes network to improve opioid addiction treatment in criminal justice settings. Ten clinical research centers will address gaps in accessing high-quality care.
RESTORE Grant Program
These grants will directly address the employment needs of women affected by the opioid crisis and combat its impact in some of the hardest hit areas of the country.
Urban-Rural Differences in Injury and Drug Overdose Death Rates
Speakers from the National Center for Health Statistics will discuss two recently published reports: Unintentional Injury Death Rates in Rural and Urban Areas: United States, 1999–2017 and Urban–Rural Differences in Drug Overdose Death Rates, by Sex, Age, and Type of Drugs Involved, 2017.
Podcast: Fighting Drug Addiction is a Farm Safety Priority
When it comes to maintaining farm safety, one priority is fighting drug addiction. Stephanie Ho has this report. This podcast is from the USDA.
White House officials visit to learn about PROSPER
Ehrlich and Anne Hazlitt, senior adviser to the White House on Rural Affairs, heard about PROSPER (PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience), a model developed by prevention scientists and extension staff at Iowa State and Pennsylvania State universities.
Action Collaborative on Countering the Opioid Epidemic
The Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic is a one-of-a-kind public-private partnership that comprises government, communities, health systems, provider groups, payers, industry, nonprofits, academia, and more – all committed to sharing knowledge, aligning ongoing initiatives, and advancing collective, multi-sector solutions.
Rural Community Action Guide: Promising Practices Supplement
Each of the practices described in this supplement have been built and launched by State and local leaders across the country. Practices are listed by state in each section, and includes, where available, links to find further information online.
County Jails Struggle with Opioid Detox
From NPR: Faced with a flood of addicted inmates and challenged by lawsuits, America’s county jails are struggling to adjust to an opioid health crisis that has turned many of the jails into their area’s largest drug treatment centers.
Appeals Court Opioid Treatment in Prison and Jails
An article from STAT titled: Appeals court’s smart move paves the way for opioid addiction treatment in prisons and jails.
HRSA Funding Opportunities
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supports its grantees with resources, technical assistance, and training to integrate behavioral health care services into practice settings and communities.
Opioid Addicted Mom’s to Be Clinic Program
A Charlottesville clinic has become the first in the state to offer a treatment program specifically for pregnant women trying to break opioid addictions before they give birth.
Opiod Epidemic & Foster Care
Article from the StarTribune titled: Opioid epidemic is driving thousands of Minnesota children into foster care.
Intersection of Substance Use and Foster Care
The flood of children entering the state’s care because of the opioid crisis is further straining a system already taxed. Meanwhile, a clinic in Virginia will be the first in the state to provide a program for pregnant women trying to fight addiction.
CDC Hepatitis C Estimates 2018
From CDC: Acute hepatitis C cases more than tripled from 2010 to 2016, with most new hepatitis C infections due to increased injection drug use associated with the nation’s opioid crisis.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
The mission of ONDCP is to reduce substance use disorder and its consequences by coordinating the nation’s drug control policy through the development and oversight of the National Drug Control Strategy and Budget.
Federal Resources for Rural Communities to Help Address Substance Use Disorder and Opioid Misuse
This document—from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Rural Opioid Federal Interagency Working Group, and USDA—is guide to the resources that can help make a difference in your communities.
A Rural Community Decided To Treat Its Opioid Problem Like A Natural Disaster
This story, from NPR, is about a rural county that declared the opioid epidemic to be a life-threatening emergency and the county is now responding to the drug crisis as if it were a natural disaster.
Rural Community Action Guide
This guide shares insights and expertise from a wide range of stakeholders working to address substance use disorder and related issues in rural communities nationwide.
Opioid Misuse in Rural America
This information and resource page, from USDA, provides tools, guides, and more related to opioid misuse in rural America.
Opiod Misuse Community Assessment Tool
This tool, from NORC at the University of Chicago, allows researchers, policymakers, journalists, and the general public to create county-level maps illustrating the relationship between community and population demographics and fatal drug overdoses—including opioids—in the United States.
Denial of Methadone Devastates Incarcerated People
This article, from Filter Magazine, explores how denial of methadone impacts incarcerated people.
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
This high participative program, from the Self-Management Reserouce Center, provides support for those managing chronic pain.
This website provides educational resources to help prevent the misuse of prescription medications and is provided through a partnership between The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and the Cardinal Health Foundation.
Opiod Programming Webinar
Extension Opioid Crisis Response Workgroup hosted webinar presented by Courtney Cuthbertson, Michigan State University.
Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict
In an effort to combat the growing epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse, the FBI and DEA have released “Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict,” a documentary aimed at educating students and young adults about the dangers of addiction.
Warning: This Drug May Kill You
Told from the perspectives of four families devastated by opioid addiction, Warning: This Drug May Kill You offers a harrowing, unflinching look at the deadly epidemic currently facing the United States. From HBO.
National Institute Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Research
The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.
Multisystemic Therapy
At MST Services, we’re on a mission to transform the lives of troubled youth and their families. Our approach, Multisystemic Therapy®, is scientifically proven. We’ll do whatever it takes to reach families in need so that their children can realize their potential.
Collaboration Multiplier
Collaboration Multiplier is an interactive framework and tool, from the Prevention Institute, for analyzing collaborative efforts across fields.
Addiction Resources: Children & Families
Resources from NACoA focused on eliminating the adverse impact of alcohol and drug use on children and families.
Prevention 101
This page, from the Community Prevention Initiative, offers resources and tools to enhance your alcohol and drug prevention knowledge whether you are new to prevention or would like to brush up on prevention knowledge basics.
Community Readiness for Community Change Survey
A set of survey questions consisting of open-ended questions about the community’s attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, etc. about an issue (e.g. substance use, HIV/AIDS) from the Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research at Colorado State University.
Strategic Prevention Framework
CADCA offers a myriad of short and long-form publications, webinars, podcasts, CADCA TV broadcast shows and toolkits to help you prevent and reduce alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.
CrimeSolutions is a central resource to help practitioners and policymakers understand what works in justice-related programs and practices.
Cessation Materials for State Tobacco Control Programs
Tobacco cessation is a key component of OSH’s comprehensive approach to prevent and reduce tobacco use. The CDC provides links to cessation references and resources including best practices, information on insurance coverage, health systems, and more.
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
PIRE is an independent, nonprofit organization merging scientific knowledge and proven practice to create solutions that improve the health, safety, and well-being of individuals, communities, and nations around the world.
Substance Information, Training, and Events
Training and events from the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network.
Substance Abuse Prevention Week Resources
Strengthen your prevention efforts by integrating national data; sharing materials and information from other substance misuse prevention programs; and using additional publications and resources from SAMHSA.
Substance Misuse Helpline Finder
Substance abuse prevention services are available in all 99 Iowa counties through the Comprehensive Substance Abuse Prevention Grant. Learn more from Your Life Iowa.
Addiction Webinars
Addiction related training and webinars by region from the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network.
PTTC Training & Events
Training and events from the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network.
Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training
The goal of the SAPST is to develop the basic knowledge and skills needed by substance misuse prevention practitioners to plan, implement, and evaluate effective, data-driven programs and practices that reduce behavioral health disparities and improve wellness.
Quick Reference Guide: Substance Use Disorder
Quick Reference Guide: Substance Use Disorders from the American Psychiatric Association.
AUDIT Alcohol Screening Tool
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), developed in 1982 by the World Health Organization, is a simple way to screen and identify people at risk of alcohol problems.
Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth Training Locator
Professional training by Iowa State University National Trainers to be certified to facilitate the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) with families in your community.
The Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth (Ages 10-14)
The Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14, from Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, has made a difference in thousands of families in all 50 states and in over 25 countries.
Lifeskills Training Planning Workbook
The LST Planning Workbook is a tool to help schools and communities understand effective prevention education strategies, conduct a needs assessment of their student population, and develop a plan for implementing the Botvin LifeSkills Training program.
LifeSkills Training Overview
Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) is a research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
SBIRT is an approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment to people with substance use disorders and those at risk of developing these disorders. From SAMSHA.
Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help
This guide, from NIAAA, is written for individuals, and their family and friends, who are looking for options to address alcohol problems. It is intended as a resource to understand what treatment choices are available and what to consider when selecting among them.
Pocket Guide for Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth
This pocket guide is condensed from the NIAAA Guide, Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner’s Guide. It was produced in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOMP)
This project seeks to develop and pilot the implementation of a screening tool for opioid risk at American College of Surgeons (ACS) Level I and Level II trauma centers.
SmokefreeTXT en español
Este programa es para adultos en Estados Unidos que hablan español y que están listos para dejar de fumar. Este programa es ofrecido por del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer.
DipfreeTXT Texting Program
This texting program is for young adults in the United States who are ready to quit dip. This program is offered by the National Cancer Institute’s
SmokefreeTeen: Tools and Information for Quitting
Today is a great day to quit. Become a smokefree teen with help from
SmokefreeMOM Texting Program
This texting program is for pregnant women in the United States who are ready to cut back on cigarettes and quit smoking. This program is offered by the National Cancer Institute’s
SmokefreeTXT Texting Program
This texting program is for adults in the United States who are ready to quit smoking. This program is offered by the National Cancer Institute’s
SmokefreeVET Texting Program
This program is for veterans in the United States who are ready to quit tobacco. This program is offered through a collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the National Cancer Institute’s
quitSTART App
The quitSTART app is a free smartphone app from that helps you quit smoking with tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges.
QuitGuide App
QuitGuide is a free app from that helps you understand your smoking patterns and build the skills needed to become and stay smokefree.
Smokefree Text Messaging Programs offers free text messaging programs that give 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips for becoming smokefree and being healthier.
Smoking Quit Plans
Quitting smoking can be hard. Having a plan makes things a bit easier. Use this tool from to help.
How to Quit Smoking Infographic
Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your health. Learn more with this infographic from the Centers for Disease Control.
Smoking Cessation Quitline
The National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines from the Centers for Disease Control.
Smoking Cessation Fast Facts
Tobacco use can lead to tobacco dependence and serious health problems. Quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of developing smoking-related diseases. Learn more from the Centers for Disease Control.
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth Guide
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth Guide from the National Institute of Health and the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Aligning PROSPER with Local Health Care through Expanded Partnerships and SBIRT: RCT Replication and Extension
Aligning PROSPER with Local Health Care through Expanded Partnerships and SBIRT: RCT Replication and Extension (Partnerships for Student Success Project) from the Partnerships for Prevention Science Institute.

Expanding the Evidence-Based PROSPER Delivery System to Address the Opioid Epidemic (PROSPER Rx Project)
Expanding the Evidence-Based PROSPER Delivery System to Address the Opioid Epidemic (PROSPER Rx Project) from the Partnerships for Prevention Science Institute.
An RCT of A Family-Centered Ojibwe Substance Abuse Prevention
An RCT of A Family-Centered Ojibwe Substance Abuse Prevention from the Partnerships for Prevention Science Institute at Iowa State University.